Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Barcade - 388 Union Avenue, Brooklyn NY (Bar Only)

Large as a warehouse--and about as decorative--the idea behind Barcade is intriguing. Good beer, combined with old fashioned video games - playable for the original $.25. For those who grew up in the 80s, Barcade seems the perfect synergy of adult and post-adolescent fun...the chance to tie one on, while playing blast-from-the-past classics such as Ms. Pacman, Centipede, and Gauntlet .

Though great in concept, reality proves somewhat less than satisfying (at least for this old-timer.) During our trip, many of the games were broken (including old favorites such as Spyhunter, Galaga and Tetris.) And for those still operative, the thrill fades pretty fast. Compared to current standards, the graphics and play of the old arcades is pretty clunky...and there's only so many times you can play Berzerker before it gets old. (Okay, one time at best.)

There are a few neat ideas here - including little tables besides each game, providing places to put your drink. But--for me at least--the trip out to Brooklyn just wasn't worth it.

Want to play Ms. Pacman while buzzed? Buy a version for your PC, X-Box or Playstation - and pour yourself a comfortable drink at home. You'll never have to wait for a game...and it's less likely to be busted.

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